Als auf ansoko im Oktober 2020 die Frage gestellt wurde, ob Black Swan und damit die dritte Version von Rania auch diesmal scheitern wird, ist das eigentlich rein musikalisch gemeint gewesen und nicht aufgrund von so einem Chaos.
Aktuell gibt es Mobbing-Vorwürfe und die Social Media Accounts der involvierten Member gleichen einem Schlachtfeld. Dabei ist das noch nicht die einzige Kontroverse, in welche die Gruppe involviert (gewesen) ist. So hat Member Hyeme die Gruppe im November 2020 verlassen und sich aus dem Showbusiness vollständig zurückgezogen. Im Nachhinein wurde bekannt, dass sie die ganze Zeit über verheiratet war und sie offenbar einen Fan um Geld betrogen haben soll. Nur, dass es bei Bekanntwerden ihrer Ehe bereits um die Scheidung ging.
Ein Comeback, das die Mädchen mehr oder weniger angekündigt haben, wurde dann nichts. Es war aber im Grunde auch nur die Äußerung der Mädels, dass sie im vergangenen August gern etwas veröffentlicht hätten.
Und nun beschuldigt Member Leia Member Fatou, von ihr gemobbt zu werden. Die wiederum dreht den Spieß um und sagt, dass ihre Eltern von Leia respektlos behandelt werden.
Aufgekommen ist das Ganze, als ein brasilianischer Fanaccount von Leia angeblich Informationen von einem Verwandten erhalten hatte.
Durante a última madrugada, um familiar próximo de Leia nos mandou uma mensagem direta desesperada dizendo que a idol está sendo vítima de bullying por Fatou. [+]
— Access Leia (액세스 레아) (@AccessLeia) November 12, 2021
Espero que entendam que eu nunca postaria nada que não fosse verdade por qualquer que fosse o motivo. Não me importa se vocês acreditarão em mim ou não, mas eu tenho a consciência limpa de que eu fiz minha parte e não menti em momento algum. https://t.co/quWp1GXkrN pic.twitter.com/rk3VdcASpv
— Access Leia (액세스 레아) (@AccessLeia) November 12, 2021
Die Sache schlug auf Social Media natürlich gleich ziemlich große Wellen. Das ganze Wochenende wurde damit die Karriere von Rania 3.0 für beendet erklärt, denn eine solche Kontroverse ist in Anbetracht der jüngsten Vergangenheit eine völlige Katastrophe. Vor allem, da Mobbingangelegenheiten im Moment in Korea recht empfindlich gehandhabt werden.
Am 14. November hat Fatou dann einen Tweet verfasst, der mittlerweile aber wieder gelöscht wurde.
Ich zitiere nachfolgend, lasse es aber auf Englisch, da sie es original in der Sprache geschrieben hat:
I’ve been thinking about this for some time. After careful consideration about everything being done and said I can’t hold it in anymore. We have a member in our group named Leia (Larissa). She is a gigantic headache to everyone in the company. From our CEO to our teachers down to us the members. The biggest problem is she always, every single second of the day thinks only about herself. This is a group. She’s not a solo artist. Without any consideration about the people around her. She does whatever she wants without ever thinking about other people. Everyone has to run around her. Everyone has to match to her beat. Everyone has to only think about her. Why? Because in her mind she should always be the main focus in everything. You say something she does not agree with? She makes up a whole story surrounding that topic and makes you out to be the bad guy and she always is, in every single story the victim. A very small example. While waiting for our performance at Music Bank for Close to me. Our fan manager told us to take pictures individually because she needs our individual pictures to post on our group’s Instagram. So that’s what I was doing, suddenly she appears next to me to take pictures together I told her no I need to take pics alone this time like every other member was doing and she too at one point. But because I said no that time she brought it up during a meeting we had with our director. She took that situation and she changed into me not liking her and that’s why I didn’t want to take pictures with her. There have been many of these types of situations. Not only with me but with the other members too. But she’s always particularly zoomed in on me I don’t know why. This also happened very recently after arriving at our dorm Lisa began calling her friend and telling them she’s going to ruin us when she’s out(this is also something she says a lot „I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to be in this group“). And people are going to take her side anyway because she’s Brazilian and started laughing really loudly with her friend. That’s something I’ve never expected to come out of her mouth. I was really shocked because that’s not the Lisa she show’s me. But also recently I’ve found out that she is actually like this behind my back. She keeps twisting and turning her words. Shows a different side of herself to people she thinks will be useful to her later. And tells them what she thinks will be helpful later for her too. She manipulates and gaslights everyone. To the point that I’m amazed at how someone like her actually exists. One thing she also likes to do is deny that certain words came out of her mouth. While there are literally 4/5 people in the room that clearly heard her say those words. She would bold face just deny that those words ever came out of her mouth. This drives a person crazy. When we ask her if she ever thinks about the group she says no. She feels bad and jealous when the other members grow more fans and followers because she thinks she always has to be the main focus. If she’s not she starts yapping and saying that we/people don’t like her….She said with her own mouth that the fans we have now she’s the one that brought them in. But every single member has their own charm and talent that attract fans and people. She’s had mental problems since she was young back in Brazil and had to take pills. But she goes around behind my back and tells people she takes them because of me. She’s had waist disc since she was in Brazil. But now starts saying it began when she got into the company. She claimed to be the closest to me but every chance she had she would bad mouth me behind my back and then comeback acting all close with me. While the whole time all I did was support her, all the time. Every single day. Then when we went to Belgium to meet our Belgian Lumina. And for me to meet my family finally after 2 years. The fact that I finally got to see my family again did not sit right with her. She said why can Fatou see her family while she can’t. Instead of being happy for me like the rest of the members she was being bratty about it. I get it you miss your family, I understand. But to then start saying ‚ I didn’t even want to come to Belgium it’s tiring, why can Fatou see her family while I can’t that’s ridiculous. She then enters my house back in Belgium and disrespects my whole family that’s when I completely turned against her. You can act that way towards me, fine whatever but touch my family and I’ll become a whole different person towards you. Since that trip I started to distance myself from her. Till the point I completely stopped interacting with her. Because I’m not about to be all buddy buddy with someone who disrespects my family and me. But even that she turns it into me ‚hating‘ on her for no reason and me ‚bullying‘ her for no reason. That’s why on the 25th of October I completely exploded towards her. She kept denying everything over and over again, changing her words over and over again. I said a lot of harsh things which I regret doing so because I never should’ve stooped as low as her. She never thinks about the stuff she did wrong. In her mind she could do disgusting stuff to other people but when you do the same thing to her it becomes a problem. She says we’ve never taken care of her for the past 2 years. While we have been running behind her butt the entire time. Helping her with practice, vocal, dance and facial expressions. Whenever she was sad or had troubles she’d come to us and we’d always try our best to help and make her feel accepted loved and appreciated. But all of that never happened in her mind. She lives according to her own scenario. Makes whoever she wants to be the bad guy. But she’s always the victim in every single one of her stories. More like fantasies at this point. Which she goes around and tells people. I’m not saying that I’m perfect. I’m far from it and I’ve always said this. I’ve made a lot of mistakes but I’ve always apologized. And after apologizing that same mistake never happens again. But Lisa would apologize and not even 2 days later she would do the same thing again. And when you get mad she says „oh you can’t still be mad I apologized“. Yeah you apologized so there should be an upgrade in actions. That’s why her apologies always feel fake, and in a certain way they come over as “ well whatever I’ll apologize so you can’t say anything anymore“. There’s a whole lot more I’d like to say. But for the last remaining respect I still have for her I’ll stop here. I hope you get your act straight. Because if you keep acting like this. One day you will meet someone who will not accept you so gracefully as we did.
Einen kompletten Thread davon findet ihr hier:
Here’s what fatou posted about the Leia situation and honestly I’m gonna keep siding with fatou pic.twitter.com/HS05UtKwjO
— crackerjacksandcocaine (@jinglesbitch) November 14, 2021
In der Zwischenzeit hat sich Fatou zu Wort gemeldet, dass sie durch diese Kontroverse enormem Rassismus seitens der Fans ausgeliefert ist. Sie hat dazu auf Twitter folgendes geschrieben:
Hallo Menschen! Während ich in der Firma bin, kann ich niemanden kompromittieren. Ich möchte über alles sprechen, was passiert ist. Und ich stimme dem Rassismus, der da draußen vor sich geht, nicht zu … enttäuscht.
Auch dieser Tweet wurde mittlerweile wieder gelöscht.