Gestern haben die 2021 SBS Entertainment Awards stattgefunden. Hier habt ihr nun die Liste der Gewinner:
- Daesang: Team von My Little Old Boy
- Producers’ Award: Lee Seunggi (Master in the House, Team Up 072)
- SBS Honorary Employee Award: Ji Sukjin (Running Man)
- Top Excellence Award (Reality): Tak Jaehoon (My Little Old Boy, Dolsing Fourmen)
- Top Excellence Award (Talk/Variety): Yang Sechan (Running Man)
- Top Excellence Award (Show/Sports): Park Sunyoung (Kick a Goal)
- Top Excellence in Programming Award: Running Man, Kick a Goal
- Excellence Award (Reality): Lee Jihye (Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 – You Are My Destiny)
- Excellence Award (Talk/Variety): Kim Joonho and Im Wonhee (My Little Old Boy, Dolsing Fourmen)
- Excellence Award (Show/Sports): Kapitäne von Kick a Goal Staffel 1
- Excellence in Programming Award: Archive K, LOUD, Dolsing Fourmen
- Special Award: Baek Jong Won’s Alley Restaurant
- Variety Star of the Year: Shin Dongyup, Tak Jaehoon, Lee Sangmin, Lee Kyungkyu, Lee Seunggi, Park Sunyoung, Ji Sukjin, Kim Jongkook, Yoo Jaesuk, Kim Gura, Seo Janghoon, Yang Sehyung
- Best Couple: Lee Soogeun and Bae Sungjae (Kick a Goal)
- Best Teamwork: Team von Master in the House
- Best Family: Team von Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 – You Are My Destiny
- Next Level Award: Jang Doyeon (Womance, Story of the Day When You Bite Your Tail)
- Directors’ Award: Coaches von Kick a Goal (Kim Byung Ji, Lee Chunsoo, Choi Jinchul, Hyun Youngmin, Baek Jihoon)
- Screenwriter Award: Jang Junghee (Kick a Goal), Yang Hyoim (Running Man), Kim Yoonhee (Kim Young Chul’s PowerFM), Hwang Chaeyoung (Unanswered Questions)
- Radio DJ Award: Boom (Boom Boom Power), Lee Sookyoung (Love FM)
- Rookie Award (Radio): Park Hasun (Park Ha Sun’s Cine-Town)
- Rookie Award (Reality): Park Goon (My Little Old Boy, Law of the Jungle), Lee Hyun Yi (Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 – You Are My Destiny, Kick a Goal)
- Rookie Award (Show/Sports): Lee Seungyeob (Team Up 072)
- Rookie Award (Variety): Geum Saerok (Baek Jongwon’s Alley Restaurant)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Gewinner!